Educational books


Showing 242 products

Домашня логопедія
Василій Федієнко

This book is for parents who are concerned that their child cannot pronounce certain sounds. Through various playful exercises, you will not only teach your child to pronounce sounds that are difficult for them, but also develop their phonemic awareness,...

CHF 8.00CHF 7.00
Babies about everything in the world

Super task for a little genius: 21 topics; - 322 images; great convenient format; thick, sturdy cardboard pages; And the little one is waiting for interesting tasks for each topic! In our great encyclopedia, the curious little one will find...

CHF 20.00
Seasons. Baby's Vocabulary with Stickers
Юлія Каспарова

The first dictionary - the best assistant for speech development!With his help, the baby will be able to learn a multitude of new words. How to do this?- look at the pictures together;- suggest to find and show familiar objects;-...

CHF 5.00CHF 4.00
Лісовий концерт + щоденник читача. 10 історій по складах
Юлія Каспарова

"10 Stories by Syllables" — a series of captivating books with short texts for reading practice. All words in the books are presented in large print and divided into syllables. This way, beginner readers will find it easier to develop...

CHF 4.00
Навчалочка. 2-3 роки. Збірник розвивальних завдань

"Tutorial" - updated anniversary edition! The books are suitable for activities with preschoolers. The best traditions of "Navchalochky": 1. All educational material for a certain age, selected taking into account the development of preschoolers. 2. Clear and accurate explanations. 3....

CHF 9.00CHF 7.00
Mathematics: 5+
Тетяна Будна

The series "Smart Preschooler" is a set of wonderfully illustrated manuals that will be useful for caring adults to implement an effective system of developmental activities with a child aged 2 to 7 years. This manual offers engaging educational and...

CHF 5.00
Mathematics: 6+
Тетяна Будна

The series "Smart Preschooler" is a set of wonderfully illustrated manuals that will be useful for caring adults to implement an effective system of developmental activities with a child aged 2 to 7 years. This manual offers engaging educational and...

CHF 5.00
Навчалочка. 3-4 роки. Збірник розвивальних завдань

"Tutorial" - updated anniversary edition! The books are suitable for activities with preschoolers. The best traditions of "Navchalochky": 1. All educational material for a certain age, selected taking into account the development of preschoolers. 2. Clear and accurate explanations. 3....

CHF 9.00
Recipes. Alphabet

Knowing the letters is an important matter, as this knowledge is where the magical journey into the world of books begins! But how to learn not only to read but also to write? Very simple exercises will teach the child...

CHF 3.00
I am at home.
Валентина Рожнів

The series of developmental play publications "Agusiki Learn to Speak" is designed for children who are just beginning to explore the world and pronounce their first words. It consists of six books: "Animals in the Forest", "By the River in...

CHF 7.00
Кумон. Перші кроки. Нумо вирізати!
Тору Кумон

KUMON - a methodology for individual development, which is used by 4 million children in 49 countries. Each book becomes a step in mastering a particular skill and is designed for several weeks of study. The child independently tackles playful...

CHF 9.00
Animals in the forest
Валентина Рожнів

The series of developmental play publications "Agusiki Learn to Speak" is designed for children who are just beginning to explore the world and pronounce their first words. It consists of six books: "Animals in the Forest", "By the River in...

CHF 7.00
Кумон. Перші кроки. Нумо клеїти!
Тору Кумон

KUMON – a method of individual development, which is used by 4 million children in 49 countries. Each book is a step for mastering a certain skill and is designed for several sessions. The student independently completes game tasks that...

CHF 9.00
Read the syllables and words. Reading number 1
Любов Романенко

The publication aimed at preschoolers and caring parents will teach the child to read syllables and words.

CHF 5.00
Нумо дружити!
Ірина Горянська

With this book, you can play in different ways: spin it, shake it, rock it, even blow on it and stroke it. The child will actively participate in the story and interact with the main character of the book on...

CHF 6.00
In the forest by the river
Валентина Рожнів

The series of developmental play publications "Agusiki Learn to Speak" is designed for children who are just beginning to explore the world and pronounce their first words. It consists of six books: "Animals in the Forest", "By the River in...

CHF 7.00
Multiple prescriptions. Fun zigzags (out of print)
Ірина Пушкар

We write, erase, and write again!"To train little fingers, you don't need to buy new and new workbooks. In this wonderful notebook, you can complete tasks with special markers or felt-tip pens for smooth surfaces, then wipe them with a...

CHF 3.00
Naughty plates + reader's diary. 10 stories by warehouse (out of print)
Юлія Каспарова

"10 Stories by Syllables" — a series of captivating books with short texts for reading practice. All words in the books are presented in large print and divided into syllables. This way, beginner readers will find it easier to develop...

CHF 3.00
Getting ready for school. Writing numbers.

Is your child not yet confidently writing letters and numbers? Hurry up! With the books from this series, your little one will quickly improve their skills and abilities. The child will happily prepare for school and feel confident among their...

CHF 3.00
Logic : 6+
Марко Беденко

The proposed manual is the fifth part of the educational complex in the field of "Logic", recommended for children aged 6-7 years. The manual offers interesting tasks, compiled according to the educational line "Child in the sensory-cognitive space" of the...

CHF 5.00
Alphabet. Textbook for 1st grade
Антоніна Пантелеймонівна Каніщенко

In this small "ABC Book", which children have been learning to read from for over 100 years, you will find the necessary classic texts for reading, interesting and convenient pictures for oral retelling, and finally, a simple methodology that allows...

CHF 9.00
Developmental toy with the mouse Misha. 3-4 years

This unique guide covers the most important knowledge and skills that a child aged 3-4 years should possess. Through playful tasks, the child will expand their vocabulary, acquire important knowledge about the surrounding world, as well as train their attention...

CHF 9.00CHF 7.00
Щенячий Патруль. Казкова Академія. Учимо цифри

"Fairy Tale Academy" - a series of books that contain effective developmental tasks for children aged 3 to 6 years. The books are filled with interesting tasks that will help a child master the basics of counting, learn letters, and...

CHF 4.00CHF 3.00
Розвивалочка з песиком Платоном. 4-5 років + 100 наліпок

This unique guide covers the most important knowledge and skills that a child aged 4-5 years should possess. Through playful tasks, the child will actively master coherent speech, practice hand motor skills, continue their introduction to mathematics, gain knowledge about...

CHF 8.00

Educational books

Developmental books for children

Literary works for education and development are created with quite high goals, namely to teach children, to develop in them individual abilities, to help form a full-fledged personality. Developmental children's books differ in their diversity and depth of thought. Every person understands that learning can take place throughout life, but it is much better to do so if there is an interesting source of knowledge nearby. The process of understanding the surrounding world never stops and continues throughout life. But it is only possible when there is a thirst for discovering something new and unknown.

When is it better to buy children's developmental books?

The first meeting with a book should take place when the child is still small; at this time, they listen with interest to the first fairy tales and poems. Little ones love to listen to books, which later help develop their memory, attention, and bring them closer to their parents. During reading, the child spends more time with their parents; this occurs in a form of unique communication, where the child receives life experience. In the online store, you can always purchase developmental books for children from 1 year old, as well as for older ages. There is a lot of interesting and complex literature for the growing generation. Above all, books help to learn the native and foreign languages, introduce children to the universe, and illuminate many other issues that provide invaluable experience for future life.

Developmental books – where to start?

Your child begins to learn about the world from the very first days after birth; they are always curious to observe what is happening around them. At first, the words may be incomprehensible to the infant, but the intonation with which parents read fairy tales turns out to be much more important. The child initially perceives information on an emotional level, gradually developing a true desire for mutual communication. Developmental books help in this, encouraging the child to quickly explore the surrounding world. Therefore, acquiring developmental literature can be done even right after birth. In this way, you will help your child perceive the world around them not only through sensory methods but also through creative thinking, prompting them to utter their first words. Developmental books for toddlers will be a significant aid for parents in raising young children.

Books for teenagers

Time flows, children gradually grow, but their thirst for knowledge remains insatiable. Most specialists in child upbringing suggest not to abandon learning throughout the entire period of personality development. Therefore, developmental books for teenagers will always come in handy. Reading complex texts should be done gradually, trying to engage the child to make such decisions independently. Most of the books presented in the store are made with original illustrations, contain complete information for learning and the harmonious development of the child. Over time, the teenager may need encyclopedias, textbooks, and other educational materials that will ensure the formation of a healthy and developed personality.

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