Books and kits for creativity


Showing 173 products

Developmental stickers for babies. Peacock

On each page of the book, young readers will find a color sample, according to which they have to decorate with stickers the version of the picture presented next to it. Children need to repeat the pattern correctly. This will...

CHF 2.00
Cut and stick. Animals

The wonderful applications of the series will allow little ones to create their own pictures and postcards, spend time productively, acquire cutting and gluing skills, and develop creative imagination.What you will need for the application: this album, a sheet of...

CHF 3.00
vidshukaj bezlich krolykiv
Луї Стовелл

A book that combines the most interesting activities for children: a wimmelbuch, stickers, and puzzles. Each spread features a bright, detail-rich scene from the life of the Rabbit Kingdom: underground labyrinths of burrow-homes, the Olympic Games, a hiking trip, and...

CHF 11.00CHF 6.00
Growing up with Princesses. 5-6 years (out of print)

Activity with favorite characters from the world of Disney. 48 pages of interesting tasks and 2 pages of stickers.

CHF 5.00
Пригоди Феррарі. Наклей і розфарбуй!
Євгеній Новицький

Color and paste! "We warmly invite you to the amazing, adventure-filled world of cars! In this book, you will find not only wonderful illustrations, beautiful coloring pages, and bright stickers, but also unusual stories that took place on the roads."

CHF 3.00
Ігрові лабіринти. Для посидючих і непосидьків

For festive winter evenings, we present the collection "Game Labyrinths." Fairy tale characters, bright pictures, labyrinths for every taste for both sitters and fidgeters. Every evening will be occupied, as the collection contains 64 pages of tasks for the clever:...

CHF 6.00
Мозаїка з наліпок. Для дітей від 3 років. Трикутники
Н.В. Шмирьова

Sticker mosaic: - we learn forms and numbers from 1 to 5 - we train fine motor skills - we develop imagination A little book - for little and restless ones. It contains figures of all the colors of the...

CHF 3.00
Disney Лабіринти з наліпками. Казкові історії

Dive into the captivating world of mazes with Disney studio characters! Help your favorite heroes find their way out of the mazes using colorful stickers. Join in, your favorites won't pave the way without your help!

CHF 4.00CHF 3.00
Пригоди пожежного автомобіля. Наклей і розфарбуй!
Євгеній Новицький

Color and paste! "We warmly invite you to the amazing, adventure-filled world of cars! In this book, you will find not only wonderful illustrations, beautiful coloring pages, and bright stickers, but also unusual stories that took place on the roads."

CHF 3.00
Lady Bug. Sticker Labyrinths. The Secret of Marinette

Dive into the captivating world of mazes with the characters from the animated series "Ladybug"! Help your favorite heroes find their way out of the mazes using bright stickers. Join in, your favorites won't pave the way without your help!

CHF 4.00CHF 3.00
Application without scissors. Animals (out of print)

The creative set is designed specifically for small children who cannot cut yet, but are always ready to tear something with joy. To create the collage, only glue is needed. The child simply has to tear the decorative paper into...

CHF 2.00
Мозаїка з наліпок. Для дітей від 4 років. Трикутники
Н.В. Шмирьова

Sticker mosaic: - we learn forms and numbers from 1 to 5 - we train fine motor skills - we develop imagination A little book - for little and restless ones. It contains figures of all the colors of the...

CHF 3.00CHF 2.00
Disney Лабіринти з наліпками. Крижане серце. Заплутані стежки

Dive into the captivating world of mazes with Disney studio characters! Help your favorite heroes find their way out of the mazes using colorful stickers. Join in, your favorites won't pave the way without your help!

CHF 4.00
Мозаїка з наліпок. Для дітей від 4 років. Кружечки
Н.В. Шмирьова

Sticker mosaic: - we learn forms and numbers from 1 to 5 - we train fine motor skills - we develop imagination A little book - for little and restless ones. It contains figures of all the colors of the...

CHF 3.00
Аплікації для малят. Вовк

We develop memory, speech and attention, fine motor skills. Activate imagination

CHF 2.00
A fun drawing book, coloring pages, rebuses, puzzles, and mazes
Катерина Федорова

The books of the "Doshkolyaryk" series are a true gift for preschoolers, as little ones will be able to practice drawing, solving rebuses and puzzles, as well as navigate through several interesting mazes. Thus, the publication will help develop resourcefulness,...

CHF 4.00
Dress the doll (turquoise)

A beautiful, bright creativity book with a paper doll and a set of clothes is the best gift for a young fashionista. This useful and interesting activity will introduce girls to classic clothing and traditional Ukrainian attire, the combination of...

CHF 3.00CHF 2.00
Developing Logic 4+
Нані Джавахідзе

Development of Logic. Preparation for School.

CHF 5.00
vidshukaj bezlich myshej
Луї Стовелл

A book that combines the most interesting activities for children: a wimmelbuch, stickers, and puzzles. On each spread, there is a bright, detail-rich scene from the life of a mouse city: a bustling fair, sports competitions, winter fun, and even...

CHF 11.00CHF 6.00
Developing Logic 5+
Нані Джавахідзе

A wonderful sticker book will provide a good mood and useful knowledge. The games are interesting and diverse (who eats what, magic squares and mazes, sequences, groups of objects, etc.) and will help turn learning into an exciting game, promoting...

CHF 5.00
Пригоди Джипса Бонда
Євгеній Новицький

Color and paste! "We warmly invite you to the amazing, adventure-filled world of cars! In this book, you will find not only wonderful illustrations, beautiful coloring pages, and bright stickers, but also unusual stories that took place on the roads."

CHF 3.00CHF 2.00
100 Ideas for Creative Moms
Шаповалова К.В.

This book is an indispensable guide for moms of children aged 2 to 8 years. Here you will find ideas for exciting games in the kitchen and in the children's room, tips on how to turn ordinary products into wonderful...

CHF 6.00
Stickers. Skillful fingers

The "Glue Book": the processes of gluing and sticking, that is, creating an application, cultivate patience in the child, develop focus, concentration, and teach the child to feel and see the holistic image of the object.

CHF 5.00
Applications for toddlers. Sofia

We develop memory, speech and attention, fine motor skills. Activate imagination

CHF 2.00

Books and kits for creativity

We nurture a creative nature through books and creative kits.

Recently, words like "creativity" and "creativeness" have firmly entered everyday use. This trend has also affected child-rearing. Many parents are trying to raise a creative personality from their child. A lot contributes to this, including the hype around "children's creativity" that has emerged in the toy and entertainment industry. Books for creativity deserve special attention. Most often, they help to kickstart the creative process by providing interesting ideas that suggest the direction in which one should create.

Such books will be useful for adults as well, who can learn to mold and draw animals together with the little ones, make handmade postcards and gifts for relatives and friends, sew toys, and weave from old newspapers. Children's publishers are not releasing many interesting new products for creative activities with children for no reason. The main trend is freedom, the play of imagination, and original ideas that will help create true works of art.

Children's Creativity Set What is it for?

The market for children's products offers a multitude of toys designed to develop a child's talents, creative abilities, and creative thinking. A creativity kit for children promotes the development of perseverance, attention concentration, and organization in the child, as well as enhancing fine motor skills and spatial imagination. The key goal of any creativity kit is to inspire the child for further experiments, to cultivate their aesthetic taste, and to encourage them to create with their own hands. Any creativity kit for children includes instructions, which are either inside the kit or printed on the box.

Unlike ordinary toys, creative kits open up a vast field of imagination for a child. With their own hands, a little creator makes a unique masterpiece that will delight the whole family for a long time. To please your child with such an unusual gift, it is worth primarily focusing on the interests of the little one.


"Creative kits for children can be divided into the following categories:"

  1. The drawing creativity set — this type of activity is considered a traditional creative form for children, in which a child can invent, fantasize, and bring their idea to life in material. However, the creativity set for drawing available for sale in many cases does not require any imagination, but implies following instructions. The greatest variety is represented by the "coloring" type set.
  2. Craft kits for girls can involve activities related to sewing and knitting, creating jewelry. Children's craft sets suggest creating products using various materials (paper, threads, wood, decorative items, soap, components of children's cosmetics). Such activities develop fine motor skills, which, in turn, positively affects the development of language and thinking.
  3. Creative set for boys — popular activities include painting, sculpture, and creating various crafts. All of this develops artistic taste, spatial imagination, and tactile sensations. The creative set for boys may include tasks for drawing and coloring, creating engravings, mosaics, and other masterpieces using interesting techniques.

Ordering products is easy on the website The store ships purchases worldwide, including Europe, Japan, Korea, China, America, and Australia. To make it easier for customers from Ukraine, the site is available in Ukrainian. You can buy a creative set for a girl in just two clicks with delivery. The product will be received in a short time in perfect condition. Let your child engage in a useful and interesting activity!

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