Showing 704 products

Emil and Margot. Monsters are not allowed

The plot of "Emil and Margot" introduces us to the little prince and princess. Like ordinary children: they play, study, get sick and do not like to go to school or clean. And nothing extraordinary would have happened to them...

CHF 8.00
Золотий ключик, або пригоди Буратіно

In front of you is an eternal story, talentedly told by the wonderful writer Alexei Tolstoy. Her protagonist, a wooden Pinocchio doll, a "brainless fool with petty thoughts", is in fact kind and bright, trusting, open to the world and...

CHF 8.00
Багаторазові прописи. Красиві літери

We write erase and write again! You don't have to buy new and new recipes to train your little fingers. In this wonderful notebook you can perform tasks with special markers or felt-tip pens for smooth surfaces, then wipe with...

CHF 3.00
100 answers to the question WHY?

The publication was printed with funds from an institutional support grant.The books of this series will help parents satisfy a little girl. They contain answers to many questions in a simple enthusiastic form. It is possible to explain the child...

CHF 6.00
First-class fairy tales. Reader for independent reading 1-2 classes. NUSH

The content of the manual is aimed at students who want to master the skill of thoughtful reading. The exercises and tasks offered in the manual are aimed at consolidating the reading skills necessary for students to work with an...

CHF 5.00
Christmas Day and the list of Naughties. Book 3

Christmas Eve is back! Get ready for a NEW Christmas adventure from bestselling author Tom Fletcher! Everyone already knows about the lists of Chemnenky and Nechemnyuk, right? What about Santa's super-secret device that he ALWAYS blows twice? Well, this year,...

CHF 14.00
dzhudi mudi ta spysok bazhan knyha 13

Everyone knows that Judy Moody is the queen of lists! But she has never had a list like Lou's grandmother's - a list of last wishes that should be fulfilled until you play in the box! Inspired, Judy begins to...

CHF 8.00
voda vidkryvayemo svit

Encyclopedia "Water" for younger students. The book will introduce the child to the wonderful world. The young researcher learns a lot about his home planet and water. Interesting facts, tasks or questions and realistic illustrations await the child at each...

CHF 8.00CHF 5.00
Не в капусті й не лелека

Oscar and Mia will soon have a brother or sister. And it's terribly interesting! How does a baby end up in a mother's tummy? Does food fall on his head when his mother eats dinner? How are boys different from...

CHF 8.00
Казка про Старого Лева

The Old Lion, tired of ruling, settles in the glorious Lviv, in a magnificent attic with windows on the Market Square. One day during the rain, the ceiling of his apartment begins to leak - without repair, and the Old...

CHF 13.00CHF 9.00
Банда Піратів. Історія з діамантом

The three children - Thomas the Fire, Marie the Fearless, Willie the Clever - and their faithful companion, Monsieur Moody's parrot, adore the sea and mysteries. On a real small ship, they often go to sea. The lives of little...

CHF 10.00
The case for Kwiatkowski. Marabou boot

Kviatkovsky is a real detective who loves milk and beetles Carpenter's. Instead of his home task, he has night guitars, instead of children's entertainment, dangerous adventures. Any of the most confused crime is sent to failure if this youth detective...

CHF 6.00
The legend of "Zoreplavts". Timmy Tobbson

For parents whose children are not very fond of reading! We invite you to unravel the legend and find the treasure of Lotterlulu, an extremely resourceful pirate who went to great lengths to keep its location a secret! An exciting...

CHF 13.00
Illustrated dictionary of synonyms, antonyms

The material of the manual is presented in two sections: a dictionary of synonyms and a dictionary of antonyms. All words are in alphabetical order.The study of vocabulary expands students' knowledge of language, introduces them to the unit of language...

CHF 5.00
Falcon Ukrainian primer for first graders

We bring to your attention a wonderful edition of the Ukrainian primer, which will help pre-schoolers or preschoolers who are thirsty for knowledge to learn to read.

CHF 11.00
Judy Moody and the NOT boring summer. Book 10

Judy is more certain than ever that she and her friends are in for the greatest summer of their lives! However, her mega-plan goes awry: her friends have moved away, her parents have gone to California alone, and Judy is...

CHF 8.00
Як змайструвати літак

The heroes of Martin Sodomka's new book "How to Make a Plane" - friends-spillwater sparrow Zila and rat Arnie decided to make a plane to fly. This is not an easy task, after all, to design a car. But they...

CHF 11.00
Акварельні історії. Білченя, яке шукало свою справу

What to do squirrels who are tired of family business - to hide nuts? Very simple: choose another! To do this, the determined Turri will need to work as a postman, builder, adviser and many others. Only then will the...

CHF 7.00CHF 6.00
Toreadors from Vasyukivka. A large illustrated edition. Book one

"Toreadors from Vasyukivka" is the first Ukrainian children's bestseller. It is difficult to find something more fun and readable in our literature than this excellent book by Vsevolod Nestayka. "Toreadors from Vasyukivka" is included in Andersen's Especially Honorable List as...

CHF 38.00
Big book of feelings

"The Big Book of Feelings" consists of four parts: "No Kisses!" - or how to deal with certain feelings; "Loves - does not love..." - we continue the conversation about feelings; "Horror!" – or where the children come from; "Ms....

CHF 16.00
The legend of Robin Hood. Classic stories

Many classic stories that will be easy to remember. Captivating adaptations and masterful illustrations on every page. After just a few readings, the child will be able to tell the story by flipping through the pictures. These books will help...

CHF 8.00
Illustrated auxiliary dictionary of the Ukrainian language

One of the key competencies of students of the New Ukrainian School is fluency in their native Ukrainian language, correct oral and written language. The dictionary will help students of younger grades to make sure that they write and pronounce...

CHF 5.00
Ukrainian language. 1st class. Notebook for printing (under the supervision of M.I. Chumarnaya) NUS

The content of the manual corresponds to the State standard of primary education, typical educational programs and the textbook "Ukrainian language. Primer: 1 class." (author: Chumarna M. I.). For 1st grade students.

CHF 4.00
School library. Everything is as it really is. Adventure tale

The "School Library" series will acquaint readers with interesting works of classics of Ukrainian literature and modern Ukrainian writers. Carefully selected works will expand the circle of reading younger schoolchildren. Each collection will become a necessary addition to the modern...

CHF 4.00

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