11 years
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The third book in the series "The Moominvalley" is a new unique encounter with the lovely family of Moomins and their many friends. The book includes the stories "The Invisible Child", "Daddy and the Sea", "At the End of November".
The plot of "Emil and Margo" introduces us to a little prince and princess. Like ordinary children, they play, learn, get sick, and don't particularly like going to school or cleaning up. And nothing extraordinary would have happened to them...
The Devourer has returned to the lands of Erdas. And along with him, an army of conquerors has entered the fertile lands. Will four kids be able to stop the Devourer? To do this, they need to summon the beast...
"Ukraine. From Primitive Times to the Present" will take curious Ukrainians on a journey through their country's past.The book will tell about the first people on Ukrainian lands, about the settlements of ancient Slavs, about princes, Cossacks... and all the...
The dictionary contains over 4000 words and established phrases, which form the lexical basis for learning the German language.The dictionary corresponds to the school curriculum for the German language. It will be useful for reading and translating texts, in extracurricular...
The material of the manual is presented in two sections: a thesaurus of synonyms and a thesaurus of antonyms. All words are arranged in alphabetical order.The study of vocabulary expands students' knowledge of the language, introduces them to the unit...
When Artemis Fowl's intellect is not working at full capacity, he becomes bored. But soon, a new incredible adventure begins, involving time and space travel, lifting an ancient curse, and saving an entire island. Artemis is once again thrown into...
Although Herbert Lemon is only eleven years old, he already works at the lost and found desk of the "Grand Nautilus" hotel. One day, he faces a special task: to return not a lost item — but a girl who...
The heroes of the new book by Martin Sodomka "How to Build an Airplane" – inseparable friends, the sparrow Zila and the rat Arni, decided to build an airplane to go on an adventure. This task is not easy, just...
For parents whose children do not really like to read! "We invite you to unravel the legend and find the treasure of Lotterlulu, an extraordinarily resourceful pirate who went to great lengths to keep its location a secret! An exciting...
One of the key competencies of students in the New Ukrainian School is the free command of the native Ukrainian language, correct oral and written speech. The dictionary will help younger students verify the correctness of the spelling and pronunciation...
Have you ever drawn your dream? Well, the raccoon Bo, who dreamed of learning to fly in a hot air balloon, has drawn it! A giant hot air balloon that he controls himself, and from his backpack peeks out the...
German A2, below average — the basics of communication. Choose those who studied German at school and do not need to start from scratch. This level gives you the opportunity to talk about yourself, read ads, write personal letters. This...
The culture of Ukrainians is extraordinarily rich, and it can be viewed from different perspectives. We decided to showcase the customs and beliefs of the Ukrainian people through the eyes of a child, as if the little reader is traveling...
The books in the "Puzzles. Collecting Treasures" series are special books that contain stories with a large number of puzzles, but these are not the usual puzzles that children may have seen before. These puzzles do not tell exactly what...
When George jumps into the spaceship and rushes through unknown spaces with his faithful companion Bulcman, he can't even imagine how it will all turn out. For upon landing, they find themselves... no, not on another planet, not in another...
"Do you want to do something fun? So what are you waiting for? Open this mega-cool book – and start!" Find out how to go through paper. Create a board game. Invent your own catchy song. And also – take...
What adventures await little Pollyanna in Boston? Will she continue to play her "glad game" as she grows up? How will the lives of Aunt Polly, Dr. Chilton, Jimmy, John Pendleton, and the girl's new friends unfold?Read the continuation of...
"Incredible adventures and magical transformations, mysterious disappearances and unexpected appearances, laughter, fun, tears, despair — all of this is whimsically intertwined in the sparkling and imaginative tale by Vsevolod Nestayko."For a wide range of readers.
"The Little Prince" is a tale for all ages. Children will find in it the captivating journeys of a boy from a distant planet (so tiny that it has only three volcanoes, and they reach the hero's knees). Older readers...
All 7 parts of the legendary cycle in one book. • Original illustrations by Paulina Bains, created for the first edition. Once the age of the magical apple tree comes to an end, a large wardrobe will be made from...
In the interesting, humorous stories and tales collected in the book, the lives of younger and middle school students are depicted. Young readers will follow with unwavering interest the amusing adventures of sometimes unruly, noisy, sincere, and caring friendly boys...
Two friends, the little rat Arnie and the sparrow Zila, decided to build a car. They were joined by the frog Christian, who knows how to gather everything they need, so they can happily get to work. Our heroes live...
Adventure! Discovery! Mystery! It all started with an unusual article in the newspaper about a new burial site discovered in Egypt. The children of famous Polish archaeologists, Bartek and Anya, along with their English friends Mary Jane, Jim, and Martin,...
11 years
Best Reading Suggestions for 11-Year-Old Children
Eleven years is a challenging age. It is a period when children wish to be independent, and parents should not control but guide. A useful tool in this difficult task is books in the Ukrainian language that shape character and develop imagination. To ensure that a work is truly read and not gathering dust on the shelves, it is necessary to engage the young reader. Books for 11-year-olds are renowned for their variety of plots, unusual storytelling, and a wide range of genres. At this age, stories about strong friendship, first love, overseas travels, and survival in post-apocalyptic conditions are particularly relevant.
Secrets of Choosing a Good Book
The child's personal interests are an important parameter that must be taken into account when purchasing a work. Of course, one can look at the new releases of Ukrainian literature and make a choice based on that. But if the student has developed certain tastes and preferences in genre and theme, this should be considered. The following criteria will also be needed:
- Writer. It is recommended to study in detail the presented authors of the works, familiarize yourself with their writings, evaluate the style of presentation and clarity of writing. You, more than anyone else, know your child and understand what is still too early for them to read and what is already time for. Look to see if the writer resorts to complex and lengthy sentences, or writes easily and understandably. Draw conclusions, taking into account the student's abilities.
- Volume. Of course, at this age, it's time to get a person used to reading substantial books. But this is not the only possible option. Many pages do not always bring benefits, especially if the young man or lady is not very passionate about reading. When you are just getting your child accustomed to literature, it is better to choose small-sized but interesting books for 11-year-old children. Then the young reader will understand which volume of a work is best for him.
- Font size. Another important aspect. It is preferable to choose texts with a medium font size. This way, it will be easier for the child to read, and it is unlikely that children's books for their age in Germany will be set aside after 10 minutes of reading.
When selecting the most interesting books for teenagers, one should not ignore the cover. It is very good if the first page is bright, beautiful, and attractive. Even adults find it hard to pass by colorful illustrations, not to mention children. If the cover and the first pages can capture a child's interest, they will definitely peek inside and want to learn more about the plot.
A wonderful variety of books for every taste
"To make an heir think and reason, as well as to develop their memory and broaden their horizons, it is not necessary to give them mathematical tasks or logic exercises. It is enough to hand them detective books for teenagers."
The captivating genre of fiction has many fans around the world not only among adults but also among young readers. Detective stories help to become more cautious and observant in everyday life. The best detective books for teenagers teach to concentrate attention and pay attention to details.
If a student is interested in psychology and dreams of helping people cope with moral difficulties in the future, it is worth giving them psychological books for teenagers.
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The online store "Kazka.de" offers a wide range of printed products at modest prices. Our office is located in Germany, but we can ship self-development books for teenagers, adventure novels to any point in Europe: Italy, England, France. However, the geography of our activities is not limited to European territory. We have clients from Japan, Australia, America.