Literature for adults


Showing 561 products

Adult children of emotionally immature parents

This book is for those who want to understand how their childhood has affected their personal relationships and attitudes towards themselves. You will learn to value yourself and feel comfortable around loved ones

CHF 15.00
The Path to Financial Freedom
Бодо Шефер

Wealth doesn’t fall from the sky — of course, unless you hope to get caught in a rain of winning lottery tickets. However, with the right life and financial position and a long-term plan, anyone can achieve financial security and...

CHF 15.00
It takes two for a relationship

When we decide to build relationships, we have to remember: there are no correct recipes, everyone will follow their own unique path. Someone will get married, and someone will build a long-term relationship without official marriage registration. Someone will have...

CHF 16.00
Mykola Dzherya: a novella
Нечуй-Левицький І.С.

In the story "Mykola Dzherya," I. Nechuy-Levytsky describes the hard life of serf peasants in Tsarist Russia, their chaotic struggle against oppression. In it, the author successfully combines colorful folk characters with vivid personalities and harmonious descriptions of nature.

CHF 8.00
"Beyond the Perekop is the land. A Crimean novel"
Анастасія Левкова

"Aliye, Alena, and I. From our names, written in a line or a column, one can study the history of Crimea." Crimea. It was here that the childhood, youth, and first love of the main character of the novel took...

CHF 21.00
The Third Visit to the Café at the End of the World

The Café at the End of the World helps those who are lost. A storm and a tempest bring together two such travelers — John and Hannah. The last time John was in this establishment was ten years ago. Now...

CHF 9.00
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Archetype of the Wild Woman in Myths and Legends
Клариса Пінкола Естес

According to psychologist Clarissa Pinkola Estés, healthy wolves and healthy women share certain common psychological characteristics: a sharp sense of feeling, a playful spirit, and deep devotion. Wolves and women are kindred by nature, curious, endowed with endurance and strength....

CHF 22.00
A short course in the history of Ukraine (small format)
Олександр Палій

The book presents the history of Ukraine from ancient times to the present day. It comprehensively covers the most important events in Ukrainian history. The guide will be useful for students, teachers, schoolchildren, as well as anyone interested in domestic...

CHF 19.00CHF 18.00
I agree.
Елізабет Ґілберт

"I Agree. How One Woman Who Didn't Believe in Marriage Ended Up Getting Married" is an engaging journey of exploration in which Elizabeth Gilbert, with her characteristic candor, thoughtfulness, and humor, seeks answers to timeless questions about relationships while trying...

CHF 14.00CHF 13.00
Everything will be Paris!
Анна Бугаєва

A chain of failures, losses, and disappointments brings 36-year-old Vlada to the edge of the abyss. What to do when everything is falling apart? Settle accounts with life? This attempt Vlada also fails miserably... "There is only one thing left...

CHF 13.00CHF 10.00
The Art of War

In Ukrainian, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is interpreted for the first time. The translator, a historian of Eastern philosophy, is convinced that the philosophical-strategic work of the ancient Chinese military leader and the ideas and advice presented...

CHF 10.00
Museum of Abandoned Secrets
Оксана Забужко

This novel has been recognized by both Ukrainian and foreign critics not only as the most outstanding work of Ukrainian literature of the independence era but also as one of the most important in all of Eastern European literature after...

CHF 21.00
The Great Gatsby (small format)
Френсіс Скотт Фіцджеральд

"The Great Gatsby" is the most famous of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novels.A refined and amazing story of the "ascent" and "life at the top" of a strong man who sincerely believed that by reaching the heights of power and wealth,...

CHF 11.00
"Why Mom Wants to Get Drunk. A Diary of an Exhausted Mom"
Джилл Сімс

I"What woman does not wish to become the best mother for her child?" P"The course of life makes adjustments, and this mission sometimes seems almost impossible." TO"Oh, wonderful plans are going to hell, special support is needed. Do you need it too?...

CHF 19.00CHF 18.00
Emotional intelligence
Деніел Ґоулман

The relationship between intelligence and life success is clear and almost axiomatic. But the emotional sphere of a person also affects life's achievements.• What emotional components primarily shape our destiny?• Why do we need emotions and how to learn to...

CHF 19.00
A thousand memorable kisses

1 kiss seems to last a moment, but 1000 special kisses can last a lifetime. In the center of the plot of the book "A Thousand Memorable Kisses" by the author Tilly Cole is one boy and one girl, as...

CHF 11.00

"1984" is one of the most important and certainly the most important novel of the last century. It is difficult to think of any other literary work that would, without excessive mannerism, as clearly, truthfully and brutally put before the...

CHF 12.00CHF 11.00
Think and be rich
Наполеон Гілл

• Absolute bestseller• The book that changed the consciousness of millions of people• Officially approved version approved by the Napoleon Gill FoundationAfter a fateful conversation with the famous multimillionaire and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie during his student years, Napoleon Gill decides to listen to...

CHF 14.00
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Дал Роальд

Once upon a time, there lived a poor little boy who received only one gift a year — a small chocolate bar on his birthday. But the boy had a kind heart, and so he experiences an incredible adventure that...

CHF 16.00CHF 15.00
Apartment for two
Бет О’Лірі

About the book:Sleeping in the same bed but never seeing each other? It is quite possible if you rent an apartment with a strict condition: two neighbors can stay in it only at different times. Tiffy works during the day...

CHF 14.00
Ізабель Абеді

Noah arrives with his mother at an old house in a forgotten village to spend their vacation there. But something very scary and unsettling emanates from this old house. And it seems that only Noah feels it. However, soon events...

CHF 12.00CHF 11.00
Фріда Мак-Фадден

Millie Kelloway is tired of living in a car and eating sandwiches, so she gladly agreed to work as a maid for the Winchesters. From now on, she will have her own room, a decent salary, and a chance to...

CHF 18.00
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Part 1
Джон Рональд Руел Толкін

The magnificent work of J. P. P. Tolkien combines heroic romance and science fiction. This is an exciting adventure novel and, at the same time, a book full of deep wisdom. Alternately comic and domestic, then epic, and sometimes even...

CHF 23.00CHF 22.00
'Ukraine-Rus: Historical Research. Ancient Land. Book One'
Володимир Білінський

On the basis of historical documents, chronicles, reminiscences of travelers, researches of modern archaeologists, historians, the author proves the continuity of the development of the Ukrainian ethnos, starting from the 6th millennium BC, the Trypil culture, and then the Zarubynetsk,...

CHF 15.00

Literature for adults

Interesting books for adults the amazing world in your imagination

Reading plays a huge role in life. Any literature helps to learn something new, support a conversation, or shine with erudition in a company. Books for adults attract with beautiful covers and interesting plots. They are read for general development, relaxation, to switch thoughts in another direction. Depending on the genre, they can also shape worldview, values, beliefs, personal philosophy, and all of this can influence the overall quality of life.

Why should an adult read?

A person who reads rarely feels lonely; thanks to a good story, they can quickly distract themselves from oppressive thoughts, better understand the world and the people around them. But what else are books so useful for adult women and men:

  1. There is a colossal experience and knowledge of other people, a mass of ideas, methods, and strategies.
  2. Quality literature shapes worldview — by reading the right books, a person gradually forms their worldview, expands and deepens their perspective on the world. Additionally, there is a development of thinking, imagination, and the ability to think and reason.
  3. "By reading interesting books for adults, one can find the ideal image of oneself in the portrayal of any characters or real people and ultimately embody that image in their life."
  4. Reading helps to find answers to many questions, solve problems, and use the experience gained from fictional characters.

It is also worth noting that good books for adults inspire and motivate self-improvement and achieving great results. They open up new facets of perceiving the world that were previously unknown.

Where to buy books?

The online store offers a wide range of literature. On the website, you can find the perfect book and order it online. The company is located in Germany but ships products both within Europe and beyond. There are customers from the USA, Australia, and China.

"To quickly find the best option for yourself, you should use the search filters. You will find books for adults about love or something else based on the following criteria:"

  • availability (is/is not in stock);
  • age;
  • genre;
  • price.

"You can buy books for adults at night or a book for your child. The catalog features children's literature, so you can stock up on books for the whole family! If you don't know what to buy for your child, you can go to the 'Age Recommendation' tab and familiarize yourself with the information. This may make your choice easier."

What to read?

"New opportunities open up for people who have come of age. They begin to take an interest in various things, discovering a world previously unseen. Developmental books for adults help make this as simple as possible. They provide a pathway to good memory and developed cognitive processes, which are the keys to success in any endeavor. To positively influence brain development and become an intellectually developed, smart individual, it is recommended to read educational books for adults."

If you are interested in bold love stories and are drawn to erotic descriptions, you will enjoy interesting books for adults 18+ that provide emotional release. If you believe that laughter prolongs life, then you should turn to the humorous genre. Funny books for adults can lift your spirits and make you laugh until you cry.

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